Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Choose Joyful Living...

There are a lot of definitions for Joy and Happiness on the web; and many creating a contrast between the two. Happiness, according to the Oxford English dictionary, is based on luck or good fortune. Joy on the other hand, is described as a vivid emotion of pleasure. I think happiness depends on circumstance; joy - on our emotional well-being.  
We are happy when we get something we desire e.g. winning a lottery, or getting good marks. Hence, happiness is conditional. We feel Joy when we appreciate life, when we contemplate nature, and when we dwell on our successful relationships with other people. Hence, Joy for me is state of mind that invokes positive emotions. 
Happiness is a temporary circumstance of elation. Conversely, Joy is comparatively something a person carries continually. It is a state of being rather than just a fleeting emotion.
I find many common traits in joyful people. Joyful people are often both physically and mentally healthy; they value strong positive relationships; and they don’t allow the extremes of life-sudden highs or sudden lows-to influence them easily. Joyful people often lead an exemplary life. But these abilities do not just appear; they have to be cultivated.
I have chosen to live joyfully and started practicing the art of ‘Joyful Living’. For that I have come up with the idea of ‘Joy Level’ or 'Joy Threshold'. This is the basic level of happiness and joy that I can maintain without any external help. I have made commitment to myself that I will maintain my Joy Threshold without and despite of external factors or happenings. I will let circumstances or people add to my Joyful Living Level but not let anyone or anything bring it down. I will only see positives in others; and strive to unlock human potential in myself and others so we all can achieve best of what we all are capable of.  
<updated based on Idea's comment> 
Joyful Living is not about becoming insensitive to emotions of others, rather it is about being empathetic without acquiring that state e.g. It is about experiencing Sorrow without being sorrowful. External events do make me angry, but the anger does not become my state of mind any more. Same goes for other emotions.

It is important to understand that joy is an emotion that arises from within us and is not affected by what happens to us. Instead of looking for external things to provide happiness in our lives, we must strive to find the joy within. 
I choose Joyful Living, I hope you do too.


HumouRam said...

Life is a matter of passing the time enjoyably.There may be other things in life, but I've been too busy passing my time enjoyably to think very deeply about them.

idea said...

life is both negative and positive ....and to experience negative can lead to positive ..as one has to go into dark room to see the flame of a candle ,ie light !! i dont appreciate the concept fully that one is not effecte dby others emotional state or well being or joy or sadness.....life is to walk with people together by understanding their state without effecting ours ! god bless....i saw yr web site and work and its good.... keep going with a little difference...............
and ya last thing but not the least that the last line in your blog says ,"i choose joyful living, i hope you do to." please correct by mistake in teh flow you have missed out One O in TOO......................cheers ! keep smiling...and not laughing all the time................!!

Arun Bhardwaj said...

Dear Idea,

Thanks for your comment. Joyful Living is not about becoming insensitive to emotions of others, rather it is about being empathetic without assuming that state (I think you have mentioned the same). e.g. It is about experiencing Sorrow without being sorrowful. External events do make me angry, but the anger does not become my state of mind any more. Same goes for other emotions. I am able to do a good emotional balancing over night.
You can also check my new website www.JoyMantras.com for latest experiences.

Anonymous said...

good to see the change in you as you yourslef wrote ! that the anger state doesnt become your state of mind !!
good to see your progress.....

Anonymous said...

your website is interactive and well designed ...but the joy mantra has black backgornd ! and when talkign of spirit ,black is the odd colour ... yellow , orange white are colours of purity and energy ,spirit !

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I was born in the lap of Himalayas (Himachal Pradesh) in the home of educationalists. I grew up in an environment where asking questions was encouraged; and curiosity was considered foundation to enlightenment. I dedicate all my learning in life to those who encouraged me in my quest to “figure things out” and responded to my curiosities. Spiritual orientation helps me to accept possibilities beyond the realm of logic.